Thursday, December 20, 2018

Cookie Day Fun for Preschoolers

I don't know about you, but when I think of Christmas, one of the first things that comes to mind is cookies!  That smell of chocolate chip cookies fresh outta the oven... 
or the shapes of all the sugar cookies... or the rainbow colors of all the sprinkles... 
cookies are definitely a holiday tradition around here.

As we were studying the Indoor Sights and Sounds this week with Mother Goose Time, we had a day completely devoted to COOKIES!
Check out what we did and make your own COOKIE Day at home over the holidays! 

Storytime/Reading:  If You Give A Mouse A Cookie
Math: Working on pattern making and shape recognition creating Cookie Shapes with our manipulatives from Mother Goose Time 
(have your kiddo make "cookies" out of cut up shapes,blocks or any pattern blocks you have at home)

Creative Arts: Creating Cookies with Puffy Paint Icing!
Mix equal parts glue and shaving cream and put into a sandwich bag to make your puffy paint icing.
Create cookie shapes and cut out.  We traced a few cookie cutters we had and also cut out plain circle shapes for cookies.
Add your icing aka puffy paint mixture (it really looks like royal icing) and REAL sprinkles! 
I love that MGT sent us rainbow sprinkles!
Keep decorating your cookies until you have a paper plate full to play and share with others.

You can't have a COOKIE Day without making REAL cookies, so that is just what we did!
We received a beautiful gift from my pastor and his wife which included Sugar cookies in a jar... so we made them!  I have never made homemade sugar cookies in my life.  I learned a few things.

1. sugar cookies puff out and spread the thicker they are.
2. the dough is not meant to be super sweet- that is what the icing is for
3. it's a messy process... rolling out dough, but cutting the shapes lets my inner Tetris queen come out.
4.  Sometimes toy giraffes like to watch you make sugar cookies... see pic below. #creepers 
5.  Cookies are meant to be shared and these are perfect for sharing once the icing sets.

 What are those shapes you might be asking?
Gingerbread man, candy cane, stocking (upside down) and a snowman (he really puffed out).
There was also a bell shape that turned out to be more circular than bell shaped after the cooking process. But my girl didn't care, and she did a fabulous job cutting the butter into the dough and mixing up the wet ingredients. Her cookies turned out really tasty too and look at that sprinkle coverage on that gingerbread man!  Never can have too many sprinkles.

Those are going to the mailman. He's been working some serious hours these last few weeks.
We hope you too will have a cookie day at home and share it on our Facebook page!

So what cookies are you baking this holiday season and who are you sharing them with?


  1. Awww, so much fun for you and your little girl! Thanks for the great pics of your Mother Goose Time activities. #MGTblogger

    1. It was Stacy!!! Thank you so much for reading and commenting :)
